If you compare the number of hours we spend on prevention and education with the number of hours teens are exposed to messaging that encourages drug and alcohol use you know we have a lot of work to do. Like everything else to change anything we have to change attitudes. WASHINGTON - Substance abuse...
There was a big article in Globe and mail this weekend about Nunavut and the substance problems there. I posted a response. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/nunavut/the-trials-of-nunavut-lament-for-an-arctic-nation/article1963420/comments/ you have to scroll down a bit to...
I'm back! Three different planes and five airports later I'm back home. One of the really interesting things about the Northern Airlines (Both First Air and Canadian North was the service on the planes! Choice of meals, hot towels, newpapers. Thank you!) I was explaining to someone about...
We finished up with the group today and I beleive that everyone got something out of it. There is always a range of differences with a group like this. Much of the progress is dependent on the ability to recognize the problem and, as well, the ability to ge past the fear of changing. It is...
March 22, Evening Hope is an interesting commodity and it is available in every part of the world. We spent the day talking about what we need to change to get our lives going in a different direction. As always much of what we have to change has to do with how we are thinking about things, changing...
March 21, Evening Anyone who has been paying any attention to the work we are doing is aware that we spend a lot on time talking about and helping people understand that drug and alcohol problems are brain problems. Understanding that can cut through the shame, blame and self-recrimination that always...
Drug and/or alcohol use changes teens and has a bigger effect on them than it does on adults. Their brains are still growing, their personalities developing and regular substance use changes their direction. As parents we have to get past the idea that "they are just being kids" and it...
Am I Addicted to Weed? Here are some common signs of weed addiction or dependency: - Withdrawals if weed smoking is stopped - The necessity to use increased amounts of weed to achieve the same effect - Difficulty controlling emotions - Irritability/Mood swings - Difficulty reducing...
Drug and Alcohol Abuse or Misuse change how are brain is functioning and that changes how we function. When we are in the middle of using regularly we generally can't see much more than "we like what it does to us, for us" or we like "how it feels." we generally are not able to see what it is doing...
Too much and too often are always a problem, not everybody who has a substance use issue is an addict. Figuring this out can be incredibly valuable. While we generally talk about addiction to drugs and alcohol we often don't take a close enough look at...