The Drug Class Blog


Apr 29

The Elderly and Addiction

Thanks to Roseanne Lockinger for the guest post article.   Most people understand that addiction doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, rich or poor, how much education you have or whether or not you are a parent, anyone can struggle with this...

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Apr 10


I have talked about this before be we really need to check our thinking. The people who are geared to make a lot of money are pushing medicalization and legalization, the people who love marijuana are rabidly talking about all its marvels. I was at a conference last week, there was a physician talking...

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Feb 20

Relationship with Intoxication

Intoxication It is interesting to watch what is happening with the pro-marijuana movement. According to the media that supports this drug it appears to fix everything. While it may be true that there may be many medicinal benefits from CBD (non psychoactive) generally the term marijuana refers to a...

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Feb 15

Marijuana Effects and why age matters

Watching the media try to deliver information on marijuana is very interesting, the pro-marijuana folks keep delivering more on potential benefits, here is some more info you need to know. Marijuana’s effects and why age matters Dr. Gary Wenk is a professor of psychology and neuroscience, among...

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Jan 30


Interesting day in Whitewood, Sk. yesterday. I was invited to do some training with the high school teachers and to do a community education session in the evening. Whitewood is also the home of a "medical marijuana" store. I popped in to meet the owner and invite him to the evening session. Friendly...

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Jan 23

College Life

I often hear from kids who have started University/College and are very surprised to find that their drinking/drug use has escalated.  Here is an interesting look at some of the stats.

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Jan 18

Alcohol Attitudes

I have had some interesting conversations lately about alcohol. They usually are rationalizations and stem around the idea or belief that they are “not” whatever they think an alcohol problem would look like. So, I’m not drinking in the morning, I’m not drinking alone, I haven’t...

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Jan 09

I'm Sorry

The damage that substance problems cause to relationships are huge, broken trust, broken dreams, broken hearts. Getting better has much to do with trying to repair, or at least being willing to repair the damage.. It takes time and courage but the thing that really happens is we face ourselves and...

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Jan 02

Going to be emotionally mature??

It is becoming more and more apparent that there are a lot more problems associated with marijuana, particularly when used by teens.  Please have a look at this artilce.

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Dec 06

Getting Better

For the past few yearsI have been encouraging (pushing) kids to use meditation. A lot of drug/alcohol use is because kids don't feel OK, stressed, disconnected, unloved, angry etc. Drug/alcohol use doesn't make us feel better, it makes us feel less so we actually end up sliding further into the emotional...

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