The Drug Class Blog

Drug Abuse

Mar 24

Signs Symptoms and Causes

Parents and Teachers Need to know everything about signs of drug abuse and addiction Knowing the signs of drug abuse and addiction will help you with identifying problems with family and friends. Addictions are defined as a compulsive need for and use of habit-forming substance — heroin, tobacco...

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Jan 29

Why It's Still A Big Deal

Recent Article from Time Magazine is worth the read. Why it's still a big deal if your teen smokes pot By Randye Hoder, updated 7:05 AM EST, Tue January 28, 2014 ( -- With each passing day, it seems, smoking pot becomes less and less stigmatized in our society. In a much-buzzed-about...

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Dec 17

What the heck was the question??

It is always a challenge to get people to look at the negative eggects of something they like. If you can equate getting high to getting feeling 'happy' on alcohol then doing that a couple of times a day will seem like a lot.   For a teen anything over 1 time a week is considered heavy use. Heavy...

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Oct 28

RX Drug Abuse

I have written about this before and it is still a problem in our area as much as it is in Ontario or anywhere else. Teen's opioid addiction 'descent into hell' for Ottawa mom 'I am so terrified for his future' mother says of 18-year-old son CBC News Posted: Oct 28, 2013  An Ottawa mother said...

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Sep 23


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Mar 15

Addiction?? Here is a check list

One of the myths about marijuana is that it isn't addictive.  Here is a check list. If any of the marijuana addiction symptoms we are about to discuss show up in yourself or in someone you care about who smokes pot, there’s a chance that addiction could be a factor and that additional, professional...

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Aug 28


Epidemic I hear more and more from teens that this is really becoming an issue. More and more kids are using pharmaceuticals to get high and using them with other drugs particularly alcohol. The following statistics are from USA but if we divide them by 10 (pull out your calculators) we will ...

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Jan 13

Pill Deaths

Ecstasy or “E” is often referred to by kids as “pills”. I think they do this because it sounds less harmful. This is a dangerous drug and it seems to be on a bit of a resurgence. There have been several deaths associated with this drug in the past few weeks. The people who...

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Dec 21

What We Think

What we think. We need to pay more attention to the thinking around marijuana use and particularly the use by teens. What we think determines how we feel and act. So we need to really pay attention to whether or not what we are thinking is true. If we really like something that makes it difficult...

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Dec 18

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open It is very easy to think that whatever is going on with your teen is just “teen” stuff. If we are not careful we will often pass off changes as being just “growing up” or “experimenting” or “teen angst”. We can also really get caught by...

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